Heat Pumps

Efficient Heating Pump Installation and Service

Electric heating has traditionally been less efficient than gas, but that doesn’t have to be the case. The latest in heat pump technology provides efficient electric heating for your entire home. Bridge City provides professional heating pump installation and services.

An All-in-One Heating and Cooling Solution

A heat pump is essentially the same type of system as a traditional air conditioner, with one major difference. The refrigerant cycle is reversible, so it can either heat or cool as needed. This method is as much as four times as efficient as electric baseboard heat, providing a cost-effective alternative to gas heating.

If you’re in need of a heating solution or you have to replace an existing central air system anyway, choosing a heat pump can be an excellent decision. Heat pumps use existing ductwork to provide an all-in-one heating and cooling solution.

Professional Installation and Service

The expert technicians at Bridge City can determine whether a heat pump is the right choice for your home and ensure that you get the proper size and features to meet all your home heating and cooling needs. You can get an accurate estimate on your heat pump installation.

We also provide repairs and maintenance for all types of heat pumps. Make sure that your home heating works when you need it, and also reach out for seasonal tune-ups to improve efficiency and performance.

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